Sunday, January 6, 2013

Guinness Factory Tour

We also got to go on a tour of the quintessential Guinness factory in Dublin. It was MASSIVE and pretty darn nifty.
This was a big waterfall thingy right as we started the tour. People had thrown  hundreds of Euros in here, and Mark and I were trying to make a plan to teal them while no one was looking 

The signed 9000 year lease from the cocky founder of Guinness. He was
Confident enough in his product that he knew it would last forever

My personal favorite part, this was carved from
a giant barrel

And the harp the that the Guinness Harp was
based on. It's from the 1700's 

And of course, a wall of Guinness recipes

OLD bottles

And the view on the way out

Dublin Walking Tour

Hey Again! Finally got some Pics up! We Went on a walking tour of Dublin and I tried to get pictures of all the neat things we say. Thee were so many it was very difficult though. Haha

This was the main street we stayed on, and our hostel was on an off street of this
 This was called the spire. It was super tall and we used it to navigate our way back, since you could see it from pretty much anywhere

                                                                                      This was the sign on a bank written on Irish.

     Here is the river that separates the two halves of the city. There are several bridges that go across and you can see one in the background.

 This door was on the post office. It was freaking huge. The people in the foreground are there for reference.
 And here is Trinity College from the outside.
                                              This was one of the tourism offices in Dublin.
 Here is another shot of the College 
 We went inside the courtyard are and were greeted with these next few pictures

And this little guy wasn't the leas bit afraid of us

In the center of the courtyard was this nifty little monument

This is the view up one of the busier streets we were on

I'm going to apologize for the formatting right now.... I'm still trying to get used to the Blogger system here.