Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hey guys!! This trip may have happened a while ago but better late than never right?

Waterford is the home of Waterford crystal and the oldest city in Ireland so there is a significant amount of history going on there. Elizabeth planned this trip in no small part to acquire an item from the famed crystal factory.
All the people with me. Kierston, Elizabeth, and Danae
We got into town after dark with no idea where our hostel was so we had to wonder around a strange place until we found someone who could help us.

The next morning we started our journey around the city, which was quite small. There were museums EVERYWHERE and covered any time period you would want to learn about

We found little emblems like this all over the place
 We we wondered around for a while and stopped in a few museum/castle ruins. There were crumbling old castles and walls all over the place.                    

view from across the river

I have a solid 150 pictures of museum goods... I will try to spare you from that

Trying to navigate through narrow stairs

Troll in the dungeon!!

Pretty much the only picture I took of actual crystal
They sort of frowned upon taking pictures in the store


Elizabeth breaking the news to her parents that
she bought an $800.00 bowl. 
 Elizabeth had been given permission to buy an item from the crystal factory. She chose a very expensive bowl that she was in love with. Sadly a few days later they were torn apart by equally costly transport fees
Beautiful church

Just a lock of Napoleon's hair. No big deal

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